Key Board

     Although there are some different between the Computer Key Board and Typing Machine Key Board, there are some similarity also between them. If we know the similarity we can type both a Computer Key Board and a Typing Machine Key Board. The picture given below resembles most a Typing Machine Key Board. It is the main part of a Computer Key Board.

Computer Key Board

Alphabetical Keys:

These keys helps to type the text both A to Z and a to z.

Number Keys:

It helps to type the numbers from 0 to 9.  It also helps to type symbols like ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) by holding the shift keys.

Space-Bar Key:
This is a biggest key in both Computer Key Board and Typing Machine Keyboard. It helps to leave the space between texts, numbers and symbols.

Shift Keys:
These two keys help to interchange the Caps, Symbols and Numbers. These are placed in left hand side and right hand side each for the convenient use of the left hand and right hand respectively.

Enter Key:
It helps to give the line space.

Symbol Keys:
It helps to type symbols by pressing or releasing the shift keys.

Home Keys:
These keys are the basic keys on which your fingers to be placed before starting the typing always.

Index Keys:
These keys, which have a bar line on each, ensure the right position of fingers on Home Keys.